February 2012 Senior Lawyers Newsletter
The new 2011 Guide to the Illinois Statutes of Limitation is here! The Guide contains Illinois civil statutes of limitation enacted and amended through September 2011, with annotations. This is a quick reference to Illinois statutes of limitation, bringing together provisions otherwise scattered throughout the Code of Civil Procedure and other chapters of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Go to https://www.isba.org/store/books/guidetoillinoisstatutesoflimitation2011 for more information. Back to School Savings! Sign up for the Unlimited Law Ed Passport Live or the Unlimited Law Ed Passport Online and earn unlimited MCLE credit through June 30, 2012! Go to www.isba.org/CLE/Passport to learn more. Good News - The Illinois Supreme Court has eliminated the $20 fee for claiming writing credits. That means you can now write an article for this ISBA newsletter AND get MCLE credit for it—for free! Visit http://www.mcleboard.org/ for details. Ask and Get Answers! Now you can pose questions to and share information with your fellow Senior Lawyers Section members from around the state. Go to http://www.isba.org/discussions to learn more.
This newsletter sponsored in part by: ISBA Mutual Insurance Company - The endorsed carrier of the Illinois State Bar Association specializing in professional liability insurance written specifically and exclusively for the needs of Illinois attorneys. www.isbamutual.com
Now every article is the start of a discussion. If you're a member of the Senior Lawyers Section, you can comment on any of the articles that appear below. |
Disclaimer: This newsletter is for subscribers’ personal use only; redistribution is prohibited. Copyright Illinois State Bar Association. Statements or expressions of opinion appearing herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Association or Editors, and likewise the publication of any advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or service offered unless it is specifically stated in the ad that there is such approval or endorsement. |