ISBA members get 30% off for 30 days by signing up for FedEx Office
It’s now even easier for you to save time and money with FedEx. As a member of ISBA, you are eligible to receive special savings of up to 20% off select FedEx Office copy and print services and 10% off other services at more than 1,800 locations nationwide.
Plus, for a limited time, take advantage of the 30 for 30 offer from FedEx Office! Enroll in the ISBA FedEx Office discount program between Sept. 1 and Sept. 30 and receive additional savings of up to 30% on select copy and print services for 30 days upon sign-up.*
Click here and enter passcode 4JHFN9 to enroll online. If you have additional questions, call 1-800-MEMBERS (1.800.636.2377, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. EST, M-F).
*Click here for terms & conditions.
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