Lawyers Feeding Illinois – Register by Dec. 17 to receive bonus points

Are you the competitive type? Do you like to win? The clock is ticking … only 4 days left for Early Bird Registration for ISBA's friendly competition to support the food banks of Illinois. Register online at by Dec. 17 and your team will receive 100 extra points!  
At the ISBA, we like to win too – and we've got a tough challenge to raise one millions meals.  Of course, the true winners will be the 1.9 million children, seniors, and families that are helped by your generosity and support.  Will you join us? We can't do it without your help. Register today! You just never know – the bonus points you receive by registering early may just put your team over the top.

Posted on December 11, 2012 by Chris Bonjean
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