Employers and concealed carry — ‘check your guns at the workplace door’?

Illinois employers are learning their way around the state's new concealed carry law, which will kick off in earnest when the state police begin issuing permits in a few months.

For some employers -- hospitals and schools, among many others -- the law expressly forbids employees or other concealed-carry licenseholders from bringing guns on the premises. For others, the Act gives them "the flexibility to determine whether or not they wish to permit employees and visitors with concealed-carry licenses to carry concealed firearms in the workplace," writes Richard A. Russo in the latest ISBA Labor and Employment newsletter. "In the tradition of the Old West, the Act does allow employers to require its employees and visitors to 'please check their guns at the door.'”

As Russo notes, now is the time to craft a weapons policy and "clearly communicate[ it to] employees and visitors." Read his article.

Posted on August 22, 2013 by Mark S. Mathewson
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