CLE: Illinois Animal Law Conference—2019
ISBA’s Illinois Animal Law Conference is back again, giving you the updates you need to effectively advise your clients on a number of important animal law topics. Criminal law attorneys, animal law practitioners, environmental lawyers, general practitioners, and counsel for municipalities and government entities who attend this seminar Feb. 14-15 in Carbondale will better understand: how “forensic veterinary medicine” can be used in all aspects of animal law litigation; how data is being collected and used to proactively address animal-related community concerns; what is being done to protect horses and how horse rescue organizations are regulated; the most common conservation violations and the enforcement process; the Illinois Herptiles-Herps Act and what Illinois is doing to protect amphibians and reptiles; the recent issues that have arisen in the pet food industry; how to help your client with their pet planning needs; how coyotes are being targeted in killing contests, and the efforts that are being made to outlaw these type of events; the recent case law, legislation, and regulations affecting the animal law arena; and how mindfulness practices can improve our wellbeing.
The program is presented by the ISBA Animal Law Section. It qualifies for 12.25 hours MCLE credit, including 1.0 hour Mental Health and Substance Abuse PMCLE credit (subject to approval).
Member Comments (1)
The Animal Defense Fund has ranked Illinois first in the country for animal protections in its 13th annual report. Kentucky ranked dead last. I attended this CLE last year and it was informative. I am attending again this year because of the increasing importance of this area of the law.