Quick Takes for Your Practice: Five Things Lawyers Can Do to Improve Their Social Media Presence

Attorney Marie Sarantakis discusses five things lawyers can do to improve their social media presence. Tips include creating shareable content, posting early and often, asking for reviews, taking advantage of existing networks, and finding what works for you.  

Posted on March 26, 2019 by Rhys Saunders
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Member Comments (1)

Thanks, Marie, for these great tips.

Interestingly, my "Spring office clean- up" project is refreshing my business FB page and refreshing my marketing strategy. So, these tips are timely. As part of my online marketing efforts, I recently worked with the company, Blu Ocean TV, which helped turned my five star ratings into a professionally produced commerical. As I now understand it, this is called "reputation marketing" and apparently is the next generation of online presence marketing.

Here is the link to that commerical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkqFTVF6WNE. Interested in hearing feedback from you and are other colleagues as to whether they are using this type of "reputation marketing" and with what success.

All the best,

Sandra Crawford, JD, Mediator & Collaborative Professional

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