Illinois Municipal League Soliciting Proposals for Pension Training Videos

The Illinois Municipal League (IML) has been a continued advocate for responsible reforms of public safety pension systems. IML played a key role in the development of the Tier 2 pension system, which was implemented by Public Act (P.A.) 96-0889 in 2011 to curb rising costs for public pension systems in Illinois. IML was also central to the development of public safety pension investment fund consolidation (P.A. 101-0610) and has assisted with the implementation of the law since it was enacted in December 2019.

In 2022, IML started a new program to assist in the area of public safety pension education. All Article 3 (Police) and Article 4 (Firefighters) local pension board trustees are required to participate in state-mandated trustee certification training that consists of at least 16 hours in their first year as a trustee. In addition, trustees must complete a minimum of eight hours of continuing trustee education annually thereafter. IML provides this certification training at no charge to all trustees through an online program in conjunction with Eastern Illinois University. IML currently has 19.5 hours of video training and is looking to add at least an additional 10 hours by the end of 2024.

IML is soliciting proposals for the production of a minimum of 10 hours of pension training videos for its Pension Trustee Training website. IML will consider all suggested topics that will supplement or replace (if needed) the subjects that are already part of the training. If a potential vendor does not believe that it can fulfill the entire Request for Proposals (RFP), but feels that it is highly qualified to provide a specific presentation video, a reduced number of videos or present on a different topic that is relevant to municipal officials, the vendor is encouraged to submit an alternate proposal.

View the complete Request for Proposals.

IML will accept submissions until April 30, 2024. For any questions, please email IML Public Affairs Director Daniel Newton at

Posted on March 19, 2024 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann
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