Fred Lane’s Trial Techniques Institute – Fall Semester 2024

Register Now – Fall Semester Starts September 10!

Improve your trial skills in this “learn-by-doing” program that covers all phases of trial work from both a plaintiff/prosecutor and defendant’s viewpoint, in both civil and criminal cases. Through this course, you will learn and practice new trial techniques that are most effective and consistent with the Illinois Rules of Evidence and the Federal Rules of Evidence. Each session is audio-video taped so you can see and hear the improvements in your voice, manner, and trial technique. The course has been proven to be of value whether your practice includes trying jury and non-jury cases, administrative hearings, arbitrations, or even mediations.

Fred Lane’s Trial Technique Institute consists of two semesters and runs approximately four months per semester. We are offering the Fall 2024 Semester as a stand-alone option via Zoom to make it available to all Illinois attorneys. Classes take place each Tuesday evening from 5:15 – 6:45 p.m. Breaks for holiday consideration do exist.

Fall Semester topics include:

  • An overview of the principles of communication, argument and persuasion on behalf of the plaintiff/prosecutor and defendant.
  • Jury Selection
  • Making winning Opening Statements/Closing Arguments to the jury in various types of cases, such as:
    o    Personal Injury Cases (Motor vehicle malpractice, product liability, attractive nuisance, federal employers’ liability, wrongful death, suits against municipalities, dram shops, airline cases, etc.)
    o    Contract Cases (Goods, wares and merchandise, breach of contract, real estate broker’s commission, and life insurance)
    o    Special Actions (Will contests, assault and battery, slander, malicious prosecution, false arrest, and imprisonment)

Fred Lane’s Trial Techniques Institute – Fall Semester 2024
Live Webcast
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 – Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Each Tuesday: 5:15 – 6:45 p.m.


27.0 hours MCLE credit, including 27.0* hours Professional Responsibility in the following category: Professionalism, Civility, or Legal Ethics credit

Learn more and register. 

Posted on August 14, 2024 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann
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