Business Associates and HIPAA: Your Obligation and the Professional Responsibility Requirements

While the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules went into effect over 20 years ago, lawyers in a variety of different practices representing a wide-range of businesses need to be proficient when advising their clients who may be HIPAA-covered entities or business associates. For example, is an IT retailer a business associate when hooking up Wi-Fi to enable a remote patient monitoring system at a customer’s home? Or when a lawyer conducts due diligence during the acquisition of real estate and has access to protected health information (PHI) … is the lawyer now a business associate? Join us for an in-depth look at the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct and how they may pertain to the unique cases you or your client may encounter, while giving you the tools you need to comply with the rules regarding competency, confidentiality, technology, conflicts of interest, and more! Listen as our experienced panelists explain relevant Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct and apply those rules to cases that address the following topics: how to identify whether an arrangement creates a business associate relationship; how to draft and negotiate business associate agreements that are tailored to the relationship and other types of agreements to offer to refrain from being a business associate; proactive steps for protecting the privacy and security of PHI when advising your client who is a business associate for the first time; and how being a business associate (or not) impacts obligations under breach notification laws.

Live Webcast
Thursday, October 3, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.

1.0 hour MCLE credit, including 1.0 hour approved Professionalism, Civility, Legal Ethics, or Sexual Harassment Prevention credit

Learn more and register. 

Posted on September 17, 2024 by Timothy A. Slating
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