Talos Regenerated
Artificial intelligence (AI) looms large, echoing the ancient Greek metallic behemoth Talos, guardian of Crete. Talos’s tragic flaw was his inability to discern friend from foe, causing him to attack Jason and the Argonauts as they sought refuge on the island. Jason’s intimate knowledge of Talos’s inner workings ultimately spared their lives. AI, too, wields immense strength and power yet grapples with distinguishing between reality and fabrication, fact and opinion, writes Illinios Appellate Court Justice Michael B. Hyman in his December Illinois Bar Journal article, “Telos Regenerated.” Justice Hyman examines how AI introduces race and gender biases into the legal system and then offers strategies to minimize their impact. As with Jason and Talos, Justice Hyman proposes, only a deep familiarity with the new automaton’s inner workings will enable lawyers and judges to harness AI without falling victim to its flaws.
Read the November Illinois Bar Journal’s article, “Talos Regenerated”
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