Stay in touch with the recent statutory, regulatory, and case law changes concerning Illinois state and local taxes! State and local tax issues are regularly updated, and it is important that Illinois attorneys are aware of these changes. Join us in Chicago or via live webcaston May 22ndto get the information you need regarding advancements in statutory, regulatory and case law concerning Illinois state and local taxes with this informative half-day seminar. State and local tax attorneys – or any attorney with an interest in state tax practicing in law firms, industry or governmental agencies – with intermediate to advanced practice levels who attend this program will better understand: the Illinois Department of Revenue’s recent updates concerning policy, statutory and regulatory policy; the recent developments and changes in local and county taxing bodies, including rules/regulations and operations; how recent modifications and changes may affect property tax law; legislative developments in income, sales and other Illinois taxes; and a brief overview of recent Illinois tax court cases.
The seminar is presented by the ISBA State and Local Tax Section and qualifies for 3.50 hours MCLE credit.