Antitrust laws apply to all businesses, regardless of size, public/private standing, or profit/non-profit status. The civil and criminal penalties for failure to comply with U.S. and State (including Illinois) antitrust laws can be quite severe, and any attorney advising businesses needs to be generally aware of the laws. Join us on May 23rd in Chicago or via live webcast for a program that enhances your knowledge of the antitrust laws and gives you the tools you need to insure compliance with those laws. Corporate attorneys, in-house counsel, commercial practitioners, and those practicing in the trade regulation arena will benefit from the following seminar information:
- Understanding why the antitrust compliance program was established, as well as the program’s basic components and goals;
- Learning how antitrust compliance issues have been affected by technology;
- Properly administering the program;
- Understanding how a successful antitrust compliance program factors into sentencing and leniency; and
- Recognizing pitfalls and fulfilling requirements.
The program, which qualifies for 3.75 hours MCLE credit, is presented by the ISBA Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law Section and co-sponsored by the ISBA Corporate Law Department Section, ISBA Young Lawyers Division, and the Chicago Bar Association Antitrust Section.
Click here for more information and to register for the live, on-site seminar in CHICAGO.