Join us in Chicago on Nov. 14 to learn how to value your case for settlement purposes and resolve the complex double-count conundrum when determining maintenance and equitable asset division in family law cases! It is important for family law practitioners to understand what the “value” of a private company really means and how value and income from the same source can sometimes be “double-dipping” to the detriment of one of the parties. Attorneys attending this seminar with intermediate to advanced practice experience will better understand: the financial implications of the privately-held business value, professional corporations and earnings which, in many cases, may be the single largest asset and income source to the marital partnership; what “true” or “economic” income really is and how sometimes forensic accounting techniques must be used to determine income; the tax impact of proposed settlements; how valuation experts can be used in the divorce process to achieve successful settlements and, ultimately, how the expert persuasively presents their conclusions and opinions to the mediator/arbitrator or both lawyers as a “neutral” expert to achieve settlement; how to determine the value of your case so that settlement negotiations are meaningful and reach a fair and equitable resolution; and much more!
The program, which qualifies for 7.0 hours MCLE credit, is presented by the ISBA Family Law Section and the ISBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Section.