The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Forms Committee is accepting applications for volunteers to serve on its Forms Committee. The Commission is hoping to select some additional members whose terms of service would start this fall. Background on the Forms Committee is available by clicking here. The application is available here. Contact Danielle Hirsch, Assistant Director, at (312) 793-2914 for more information.
Practice News
June 12, 2015 |
Practice News
June 11, 2015 |
Practice News
ISBA Director of Legislative Affairs Jim Covington reviews legislation in Springfield of interest to ISBA members. This week he covers Open Meetings Act (House Bill 175), Open Meetings Act (House Bill 1498), County budgets (House Bill 2474), Elder abuse (House Bill 1588), Citation to discover assets (Senate Bill 1308), Collection of fines and penalties (Senate Bill 86), Juvenile sentencing (House Bill 2471) and Child-support fines (House Bill 3683). More information on each bill is available below the video.
June 11, 2015 |
Practice News
The Illinois Supreme Court has announced that 376 of the 384 Illinois associate judges who filed requests for reappointment to their office for a new four-year term have been retained. Having certified the results of more than 466 total ballots cast in Illinois’ twenty-four circuit courts. Director Tardy informed that each successfiul candidate received votes that tallied three-fifths or greater in favor of their reappointment. Five associate judges in the Third Judicial Circuit, one in the Sixth Judicial Circuit, one in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit and one in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit did not receive the requisite number of votes for reappointment. The new term of office for each reappointed associate judge will begin on July 1, 2015 and terminate on June 30, 2019.
Pursuant to Illinois’ Constitution, associate judges serve a term of office of four years. The Illinois Constitution vests in the Supreme Court the authority to provide, by rule, for the associate judges appointment process in Illinois. With the adoption of Supreme Court Rule 39 in 1971, the quadrennial reappointment election of associate judges is accomplished through the casting of secret ballots by circuit court judges eligible to vote. The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts administers all associate judge elections on behalf of the Supreme Court. The 2015 quadrennial reappointment election is the eleventh reappointment election since the 1970 amendments to the judicial article of the Illinois Constitution.
June 10, 2015 |
Practice News
Sangamon County First Assistant State’s attorney Karen Tharp has been appointed as Associate Judge in the Seventh Judicial Circuit in Sangamon County. Tharp has been the First Assistant State Attorney of Sangamon County since 2014. Tharp, who will take office in early July, replaces Judge April Troemper who was recently appointed to be a Circuit Judge in the Seventh Judicial Circuit.
Tharp brings to the bench over 26 years of legal experience, Presiding Judge John Belz, who has presided over many jury trials in which Tharp was an attorney, said "Karen Tharp has a long and distinguished record as a trial lawyer in Sangamon County that will serve her well on the bench. She is generally recognized as one of the hardest working and most dedicated attorneys in Sangamon County.”
Tharp is a 1980 graduate of Springfield High School and attended then Sangamon State University where she obtained her undergraduate degree in legal studies. She obtained her law degree in 1988 from the University of Illinois law school where she graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors.
Tharp, 53, has been a lifelong resident of Springfield, Tharp is a member of the Sangamon County Drug Court Treatment Team, participates in the Sangamon County Juvenile Justice Council and a Board member of Calvary Academy.
June 10, 2015 |
Practice News
Michael J. Tardy, Director of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, announced Wednesday that the Twelfth Judicial Circuit judges voted to select Elizabeth D. Hoskins Dow and Kenneth L. Zelazo as associate judges of the 12th Judicial Circuit.
Ms. Hoskins Dow received her undergraduate degree in 1989 from the Yale University in New Haven, CT and her Juris Doctor in 1993 from Boston College Law School in Newton, MA. Ms. Hoskins Dow is currently affiliated with Bailey & Glasser LLP in Joliet.
Mr. Zelazo received his undergraduate degree in 1979 from the Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, and his Juris Doctor in 1983 from Loyola University in Chicago, IL. Mr. Zelazo is currently affiliated with The Law Office of Bob O'Dekirk, LLC in Joliet.
June 10, 2015 |
Practice News
Asked and Answered
By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC
Q. I am the sole owner of a three attorney firm in San Francisco. I started the firm seven years ago. We are an estate planning firm. Everyone is working hard and putting in the hours but we are not making any money. I am only making around $110,000 net income/earnings after overhead. Should I take a meat ax to my expenses?
June 10, 2015 |
Practice News
Attorney Nerino Petro explores portable power options for attorneys, while comparing the battery life of the most popular mobile devices on the market today.
June 9, 2015 |
Practice News
Q. As we zero in on the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta, were there professional ethics standards for lawyers at that time?
June 4, 2015 |
Practice News
Q. In the past I represented a client on a number of different matters. I never sent a formal letter ending the attorney-client relationship. Am I still the client’s attorney?
June 4, 2015 |
Practice News
ISBA Director of Legislative Affairs Jim Covington reviews legislation in Springfield of interest to ISBA members. This week he covers Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (Senate Bill 45), Mechanics Lien Act (House Bill 2635), Consular notification of foreign nationals (House Bill 1337), Condominium Property Act (House Bill 2644), Boundary-line agreements (House Bill 2744) and Municipal Code violations (House Bill 2745). More information on each bill is available below the video.
Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act. Senate Bill 45 (Barickman, R-Bloomington; Andersson, R-Geneva) simplifies the procedures to take the deposition of an Illinois person who is subpoenaed for discovery purposes from an out-of-state court. The Act creates establishes a simple, clerical procedure in which a subpoena from an out-of-state court is reissued as a discovery subpoena in Illinois. Passed both chambers.