By Lisa Colpoys
For members of the Illinois legal profession, pro bono practice support resources are as easy as a click away, at That website, which is hosted by
Illinois Legal Aid Online, now offers web pages with resources targeted at specific types of pro bono practitioners, including senior attorneys, federal government attorneys, corporate counsel, paralegals, and law students. Each homepage is customized for the target audience, and features video interviews with pro bono volunteers and articles specific to doing pro bono work. These homepages may be accessed via the internet at:
Illinois Legal Aid Online partnered with the
Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) to develop the homepages. The organizations designed the websites to further engage senior attorneys, government attorneys, corporate counsel, paralegals and law students in pro bono work. Jim Archer, one of the retired attorneys featured in the pro bono videos, states, "Everybody - but certainly lawyers in particular - have an obligation to give back somehow."