Beyond the billable hour
More clients -- and lawyers for that matter -- are looking for value-based alternatives to the billable hour. The good news? They can be a win-win for attorney and client. Read all about it in the February Illinois Bar Journal.
Member Comments (1)
If an attorney flat bills for a specific type of legal service that constitutes 90% of the attorney's practice, oner the course of 10 years can document at least 2,000 clients who have paid that fee, and obtains a written fee agreement, should the attorney be expected to record the attorney's time?
Let's say there is a fee dispute, ARCD complaint, attorney argues, my fees are reasonable: as follows: a) comparable to fees other lawyers of far less experience and success charge and b) is not that fact that 2,000 members of the public have paid that fee res ipsa loquitur as to their reasonableness?
Or is the ARCD of the mindset that we are high priced wage slaves?