Chief Justice Garman announces applicants, screening committee for 11th Circuit judicial vacancy

Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justice Rita B. Garman announced Friday the formation of a judicial screening committee for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit.

Chief Justice Garman established the screening committee to assess the qualifications of those persons who have applied for appointment to the at-large Circuit Court vacancy created by the announced retirement of Judge Elizabeth A. Robb on December 31, 2014. Under the Illinois Constitution, the Supreme Court holds the authority to fill interim judicial vacancies until the next General Election.

After the committee has received public input, gathered information, and interviewed each of the applicants, it will report its findings to Chief Justice Garman, who will then make a recommendation to the Supreme Court from among those applicants submitting their credentials to the committee. The person appointed to fill the vacancy will serve until December 5, 2016, when the position will be filled by the 2016 General Election.

Applicants who are considered for appointment to the judgeship and will be screened by the committee are: William B. Bates of Lincoln; Associate Judge John C. Costigan of Bloomington; Timothy W. Kelly of Bloomington; and Laurie E. Muck of Lincoln.

The screening committee consists of seven persons who reside in the 11th Judicial Circuit. Four of the committee members are non-lawyers and three are lawyers.

The non-lawyer members of the committee are Lincoln resident John Blackburn, and Bloomington residents Julie Dobski, Dr. Paul Pedersen, M.D., and Mary Ann Webb.

The lawyer members of the committee are the Hon. John Freese (retired) of Normal, Guy Fraker of Bloomington, and James Stoller of El Paso.

Dr. Paul Pedersen, M.D. will serve as chairperson of the committee.

Members of the public are invited to submit comments concerning the applicants by writing to: Chair of the Screening Committee, Attn: Will Scanlon, McLean County Law & Justice Center, 104 W. Front Street, Room 507, Bloomington, IL 61701. Comments should be received by the committee before Friday, November 21, 2014. All comments will be held in the strictest confidence by the committee and the Court.

The Eleventh Judicial Circuit includes Ford, Livingston, Logan, McLean, and Woodford counties.

Posted on November 3, 2014 by Chris Bonjean

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