YLD Speed Networking and Wine Tasting
Mark your calendars for Feb. 9, when the ISBA Young Lawyers Division will host its annual speed networking event followed by a wine tasting in Chicago.
Starting at 3:30, speed networking participants will meet and greet other lawyers and legal professionals to build professional and social networks in an event that combines concepts from speed dating and business networking. Refreshments will be served.
At 5:30, attendees can then move downstairs to the ISBA Mutual Office to enjoy an evening of tasting a variety of wines and cheese. This events proceeds will benefit the YLD Children’s Assistance Fund.
Registration for both events is now open and we hope to see you there! Register now for speed networking and wine tasting!
For additional questions about the event or registration, please contact Kimi Jalali.
Sponsorship opportunities are available until Feb. 1. Please contact Blake Howard for details.