Lawyering in the #MeToo Era
An emerging reality of the #MeToo era is the increased likelihood that you may have a client who will disclose sexual abuse. Attorneys have a duty to react thoughtfully and understand how to counsel a client who shares such sensitive information, write Caitlin K. Cervenka & Christine M. Crow in their October Illinois Bar Journal article, “Lawyering in the #MeToo Era.”
In their article, Cervanka and Crow provide guidance for attorneys with clients who disclose sexual abuse and are considering legal remedies. In Illinois, several laws form a framework of legal options. But even attorneys who do not practice this area of law can still walk a client through an initial conversation about their options and help them decide whether, how, and with whom to take any next steps.
Read the article Lawyering in the #MeToo Era in the October issue of the Illinois Bar Journal.