Admitting Medical Expenses at Trial

 In her June Illinois Bar Journal article, “Admitting Medical Expenses at Trial,” Cook County Circuit Court Judge Eileen Marie O’Connor overview of Illinois law on the admissibility of medical bills and the practical application of such at trial.

Judge O’Connor notes that parties expend significant time, money, and resources during the pretrial, discovery, and trial phases on the issue of medical bills. Based on the existent adversary practice, she advises, parties should discuss, and when feasible, the court should rule upon, the admissibility of medical expenses in limine, to ensure that the jury receives testimony regarding only those medical expenses that the plaintiff will be able to admit at trial.

 Read the June IBJ article, "Admitting Medical Expenses at Trial."

Posted on June 24, 2024 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann
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