Articles on International Law

Risk management strategies for identity preserved grain exports By A. Bryan Endres International and Immigration Law, December 2005 Emerging foreign regulations for imported grain ultimately may result in trace-back liability to U.S. farmers for the commingling of even miniscule amounts of genetically engineered DNA.
Stop the genocide in Darfur: Bribe the Chinese By Lydia Lazar International and Immigration Law, December 2005 You have to give the Bush administration’s deputy secretary of state Robert B. Zoellick credit: he certainly appears to be doing the best he can to stop the genocidal violence in Sudan’s Darfur region.
International Practitioner’s Deskbook Series: Joint Ventures in the International Arena, Darrell Prescott and Salli A. Swartz, Eds. (ABA SILP 2003) By Christopher Scott Maravilla International and Immigration Law, November 2005 Joint Ventures in the International Arena is the second in the American Bar Association’s International Law Section’s International Practitioner’s Deskbook Series which aims to publish practitioner oriented guides on frequently arising issues in international practice.
The new currency control regulations in Russia By Yevgeniy Tregubenko & Maxim Savostianov International and Immigration Law, November 2005 The new Law on Currency Control (hereinafter - “the Law”) was adopted by the State Duma (the lower house of the Parliament) on 21 November 2003.
Reform of the United Nations—September 23, 2005 By Cindy G. Buys International and Immigration Law, November 2005 This year, the United Nations celebrates its 60th anniversary. As with any anniversary, the United Nations’s 60th anniversary has been a time for reflection: a time to assess what the United Nations has done well and what it has not done so well.
Free Embassy Newsletter Provides Information on Jordan By Mark E. Wojcik International and Immigration Law, September 2005 The Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan publishes a quarterly newsletter that is available to interested persons upon request.
International estate planning: A multinational couple with multinational interests By Rebecca E. Begelman Strub International and Immigration Law, September 2005 International Estate Planning is the specialized planning and advice that an attorney provides a client who has connection(s) with or interest(s) in a country other than the U.S.
Teaching about genocide-A new Illinois law mandates that schools teach about the seven human rights catastrophes in addition to the Holocaust By Elizabeth Al-Dajani International and Immigration Law, September 2005 The 94th session of the Illinois General Assembly recently passed H.B. 312, which Governor Blagojevich signed into law on August 5, 2005.
Ultimus Inter Pares? Small states in the European Union By Giovanni Coinu & Matti Wiberg International and Immigration Law, September 2005 There is no widely accepted normative definition of a small state.
Cross-oceanic etiquette By Gloria Petersen Young Lawyers Division, August 2005 Cultural nuances and behaviors are as numerous as the peoples inhabiting the Earth. Be sure you have been briefed on the country and people you will be visiting.
Case law report By Angela Peters International and Immigration Law, July 2005 The American court properly declined to return the children to the father in Sweden, where the court found under Article 13(b) of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction that returning the children would cause them grave risk of physical or psychological harm or otherwise place them in an intolerable situation.
Pasquantino et al. v. United States, 336 F.3d 321, (4th Cir. 2005), affirmed By Paul Rich International and Immigration Law, July 2005 David and Carl Pasquantino and Arthur Hilts smuggled liquor from the U.S. into Canada to evade Canadian alcohol import taxes.
The World Intellectual Property Organization publishes its analysis of domain name dispute trends By Pradip K. Sahu International and Immigration Law, July 2005 On March 23, 2005, the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the World Intellectual Property Organization ("WIPO") released an informative publication regarding the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("UDRP").
The snail-paced Doha Round agriculture negotiations By Adrian Zeno International and Immigration Law, June 2005 The WTO contained a package of over 20 multilateral agreements between developed, developing, and least-developed countries (LDCs).
The Supreme Court’s most recent use of foreign and international law By Cindy G. Buys International and Immigration Law, June 2005 In recent years, the Rehnquist Court has been engaged in a heated debate regarding the proper role of international law in the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
The World Trade Organization and regionalization efforts in Africa and the Caribbean By Andrea Ewart International and Immigration Law, June 2005 The World Trade Organization (WTO) estimates that it has been notified of the existence of approximately 240 Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs), 170 of which are in force.
The global textile and clothing industry after the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing: It’s the end of the (quota) world as we know it By Jessica T. DePinto International and Immigration Law, May 2005 January 1, 2005 marked the end of import quotas on textile and wearing apparel products made in World Trade Organization ("WTO") member countries.
Luncheon at Polish Consulate By Juliet Boyd International and Immigration Law, May 2005 On February 11, 2005 the section council was honored to have its February meeting hosted at the Polish Consulate.
Meeting with Supreme Court Justices of the Republic of Buryatia By Violeta I. Balan International and Immigration Law, May 2005 On March 22, 2005, a delegation of three Supreme Court Justices from the Republic of Buryatia met with Illinois practitioners, professors and law school students at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago.
Agreement with Coca-Cola ends the European Union’s five-year inquiry into a potential abuse of a dominant position By Heba M. Hamouda April 2005 In 1999, the European Commission began an investigation into Coke and its bottlers in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, and Britain. A must-see for any asylum attorney By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, March 2005 From the novice to the seasoned veteran, the Web site is a resource no asylum practitioner should be without.
Foreign investment in Ontario: An introductory guide to the regulatory environment By Randolph M. Wright & Scott D. Relf International and Immigration Law, March 2005 Generally, most foreign investors looking to develop/purchase a business within Ontario will enjoy many of the free-market benefits afforded to resident investors.
Foreign-Owned Business Registration International and Immigration Law, March 2005 The Investment Review Division of Industry Canada1 regulates certain foreign investment in Canada under the Investment Canada Act.
Globalization of human rights law: U.S. Courts v. the Executive Branch By Christopher Scott Maravilla International and Immigration Law, January 2005 The increasing globalization of the adjudication of human rights abuses in national courts and international tribunals has given rise to a paradox in the American political system.
Government lawyer argues “Assassination is not Torture”-7th Circuit Court disagrees International and Immigration Law, January 2005 In Comollari v. Ashcroft, decided August 10, 2004, the 7th Circuit disagrees with the government's proposition that "assassination is not torture" because there can be painless death.
Summary of commercial agency/distributorship law in Pakistan By Howard L. Stovall International and Immigration Law, January 2005 The Pakistani Contract Act 1872 (the "Contract Act") contains a special chapter on the relationship between agent and principal, broadly defining the terms as follows:
The future of the World Trade Organization …? By Nick Lewis International and Immigration Law, December 2004 This past September, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Summit in Cancun, Mexico, took place.
Is Customs the Grinch that stole Christmas? By Adrian Zeno International and Immigration Law, December 2004 Importers may have lost the benefit of importing a wide range of holiday-themed goods at duty free tariff rate. According to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (hereinafter referred to as HTSUS), heading 9505 applies to "festive, carnival, or other entertainment articles," which include "articles for holiday festivities and parts and accessories thereof."
Update on international law in the U.S. Supreme Court By Bradshaw Smith International and Immigration Law, December 2004 Who is to be blamed for the death of a passenger on an international flight?
The European community accedes to the Madrid Protocol for the international registration of trademarks By Pradip K. Sahu International and Immigration Law, November 2004 On June 29, 2004, the World Intellectual Property Organization ("WIPO") accepted the accession of the European Community (the "EC") to the Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Trademarks (the "Protocol").

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