Articles on International Law

Public-private supply chain initiatives: The relationship between C-TPAT, CSI, and the WCO By Matthew DeFlorio International and Immigration Law, December 2007 The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (“C-TPAT”) is a voluntary program established in November 2001 with the aim of engaging the global supply chain community and empowering participants to play a critical role in assisting Customs in achieving its dual objective of securing our nation’s borders and improving facilitation of trade.
Summary of commercial agency/distributorship law in the United Arab Emirates By Howard L. Stovall International and Immigration Law, December 2007 Commercial agencies are primarily governed in the United Arab Emirates (the “UAE”) by Federal Law No. 18 of 1981 as amended, the “Commercial Agency Law.”
Free trade with Korea International and Immigration Law, November 2007 The Office of the United States Trade Representative has provided the following summary of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Korea on which negotiations were concluded April 1, 2007.
Illinois International Business Calendar By Petra Novotna International and Immigration Law, November 2007 Upcoming events of interest to international law practitioners.
“Made In” legislation: A brief overview of origin-marking regulations in the EU and in the U.S. By Avv. Stefano M. Viola & Jessica T. DePinto International and Immigration Law, November 2007 Generally, origin marking rules require that every imported good having a foreign origin must be marked with the name of the country of origin.
Promoting Illinois Education Exports International and Immigration Law, November 2007 The U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Commercial Service in Chicago publishes the U.S.A. Trade World Illinois. In their Fall 2007 issue, they included “Promoting Illinois Education Exports.”
Your client wants to vacation outside the U.S. with the kids but the other parent fears abduction… If the destination country is a Hague signatory, here’s a possible solution By Jacalyn Birnbaum International and Immigration Law, November 2007 Not an uncommon problem in a pending pre-decree case: One parent seeks to vacation with the children outside the country and the other parent—concerned about possible abduction—refuses to permit the vacation in the absence of an Order of Court.
Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, October 2007 The text of the preamble.
South Africa: Transformed by truth and democracy By Gino Betts, Jr. Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, October 2007 The author shares his insights after his trip to Cape Town.
Free Trade Agreements International and Immigration Law, September 2007 Ambassador Karan K. Bhatia, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, Office of the United States Trade Representative made a presentation in Chicago in early August providing background information on Free Trade Agreements.
The latest changes in the judiciary system in South Korea By Oana Pantilimon International and Immigration Law, September 2007 During the 2007 Spring Meeting of the American Bar Association Section of International Law, the Honorable Sang Yoon Lee, a judge from South Korea was very kind to offer some thoughts regarding the latest changes in the judiciary system in Korea and the new Free Trade Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea.
A minor child may establish his own best interests for purposes of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction By Juli Campagna International and Immigration Law, September 2007 The 10th Circuit held that a 13-year-old boy’s in camera interview with a magistrate judge—where neither the parents nor their counsel were in attendance—provided sufficient evidence to defeat a repatriation claim brought by his mother, with whom he was living, in Canada.
Center of main interests of a debtor By Petra Novotna International and Immigration Law, August 2007 The European Insolvency Regulation (EIR), the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and Chapter 15 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code3 (Chapter 15) all contain a four-word mystery: “center of main interests.”
DUI becomes an international matter By Maryann Bullion International and Immigration Law, August 2007 Many Illinois citizens are not aware that their criminal records could affect them outside the country.
State money and foreign policy: Illinois Sudan Act ruled unconstitutional By Jacob A. Ramer International and Immigration Law, August 2007 As the world struggles to deal effectively with the genocide in Darfur that has claimed an estimated 200,000 lives and displaced 2.5 million people, and the United States government seeks its own calculated response, several states have begun taking their own measures to protest the conflict and humanitarian disaster.
Abuse of legal process in the Khodorkovsky case By Julia Bikbova International and Immigration Law, May 2007 On April 4th, 2007, The John Marshall Law School (“JMLS”) hosted a Symposium on Abuse of Legal Process for Political and Economic Gain in Russia.
Hague Securities Convention By John T. Baun International and Immigration Law, May 2007 The Hague Securities Convention was adopted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law in December 2002.
The history of United Nations mediation in the Darfur conflict By Whitney Roberts Alternative Dispute Resolution, May 2007 Given the importance of international conflict resolution, we have endeavored this year to address some of the high-profile areas in which conflict resolution is being attempted.
Abuse of legal process By Violeta I. Balan International and Immigration Law, April 2007 The John Marshall Law School Chapter of the American Association of Russian-Speaking Attorneys will host a symposium on Abuse of Legal Process for Political Means in Russia on April 4th, 2007 at 5:30 at The John Marshall Law School.
Judges should notify foreign nationals By Cindy G. Buys International and Immigration Law, April 2007 Attached is a proposed Illinois Supreme Court Rule 404 that would require Illinois state court judges to notify foreign nationals at an early stage in any criminal proceedings that they have a right to have their consulate informed that they have been arrested or detained.
The transatlantic partnership and its implications to the economies of the United States and the European Union By Oana Pantilimon International and Immigration Law, April 2007 The United States and the European Union are the two greatest powers in the world today.
Addendum to the article by Michael Coleman and Celine Van Zeebroeck published in the fourth issue of The Globe, “Oil and gas investments in Algeria—A legal and tax primer from an Algerian perspective” By Michael L. Coleman & Celine van Zeebroeck International and Immigration Law, March 2007 Algeria’s ordinary corporate income tax (impôt sur les bénéfices de sociétés, IBS) rate has been lowered from 30 percent to 25 percent.
Attorneys from Vietnam International and Immigration Law, March 2007 A delegation from Vietnam met with the International and Immigration Law Section Council and ISBA Officers as part of a three city tour of the United States.
FSIA applied retroactively and subsequent commercial use of expropriated property does not qualify for the “commercial exception” By Paul J. Carrier International and Immigration Law, March 2007 The Second Circuit ruled that the U.S. courts did not have subject matter jurisdiction over claims of Jewish persons and entities for the return of real property taken by Polish authorities shortly after the Second World War.
Is it the dawning of the age of enforced compliance? U.S. Customs and Border Protection Quick Response Audits (QRAs) By Jessica T. DePinto Corporate Law Departments, March 2007 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) administers the Tariff Act of 1930, the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, and the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act and Customs Modernization Act (1993).
State of the World – Center of Opportunity By Richard Paullin International and Immigration Law, March 2007 In August 2005, the Illinois legislature created the Illinois Global Partnership (IGP) to promote and enhance international trade and economic development in the State.
Bulgaria’s accession to the EU—What does this mean for you and your clients? By Peter Petrov International and Immigration Law, January 2007 Bulgaria is a parliamentary republic located in south Eastern Europe with a population of 7.3 million and a territory slightly larger than Tennessee.
Real estate investment in Romania By Sorina Tira International and Immigration Law, January 2007 It is a fact! Romania will become a member of the European Union on January 1, 2007.
Illinois International Business Calendar International and Immigration Law, November 2006 The Illinois International Business Calendar is a collaborative effort among the International Trade Association of Greater Chicago, the Office of Trade and Investment of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and the Illinois District Export Council, on behalf of the U.S. Export Assistance Center Chicago.
Oil and gas investments in Algeria—A legal and tax primer from an Algerian perspective By Michael L. Coleman & Celine van Zeebroeck International and Immigration Law, November 2006 U.S. oil and gas companies have significantly contributed to the increase of foreign direct investment in Algeria in recent years.

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