Back by Popular Demand! This two-day program in Chicago on September 7-8, 2017 is designed to help those attorneys who represent children. Under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 906(c), an attorney should receive ten hours of education every two years in child developments; roles of guardians ad litem and child representatives; ethics in child custody cases; relevant substantive state, federal, and case law in custody and visitation matters; and family dynamics, including substance abuse, domestic abuse, and mental health issues. Topics for this seminar include: the role, scope and limitations of representation; the conflicts that will limit the role of the appointment; child development issues, including mental health, milestones, attachment, and parental separation; working with impaired and high-conflict families; restricting parental responsibilities; how to assess and analyze a child’s best interest on a limited budget for testing and evaluation; domestic violence and how it affects children; conducting the child interview and the developmental issues you need to consider beforehand; cultural competency; and more.
The program is presented by the ISBA Family Law Section. It qualifies for 14.5 hours MCLE credit, including 13.0 hours Professional Responsibility MCLE credit (subject to approval).