Don’t miss this opportunity to get the top ten tips you need regarding artificial intelligence and blockchain issues that may impact your real estate practice!
Join us from the comfort of your home or office for this four-part online series that discusses key aspects of civil practice that you need to know!
Don’t miss this comprehensive look at the recent legislative changes and caselaw that impacts the traffic law arena.
Learn advanced negotiation skills from a national expert and renowned instructor! You negotiate every day. In fact, your ability to effectively negotiate may be the most critical skill you possess, yet most negotiate instinctively or intuitively. This Master Series seminar trains you to approach negotiations with a strategic mindset, allowing you to become a more effective lawyer. And make no mistake – no matter how much you’ve negotiated, you can still learn. Adding that one new tactic may be the difference between winning and walking away empty-handed.
Don’t miss this program that is designed to help demystify the Data Protection Addendum (DPA) and show you how to approach third party/vendor contracts involving personal data.
Illinois’ new Parenting Coordinator Statute (Ill. Sup. Ct. Rule 909(b)) was designed to help uncooperative parents make parenting decisions, communicate effectively, comply with parenting agreements, and protect the children from parental conflicts; however, the rule has resulted in many counties adding their own local rules regarding coordination, which has been established and practiced in Cook County.
Join us from the comfort of your home or office for this in-depth look at commercial and residential real estate matters you need to know.
Don’t miss this in-depth overview of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), including the purpose of the statute and the type of debt it covers.
According to the Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act, nearly 41 million acres of land is own (partially or fully) by foreign entitles. Current federal law does not regulate this land aside from requiring foreign buyers to register with the USDA. Don’t miss this in-depth discussion on the federal and state rules regulating foreign ownership of U.S. land, including the reporting requirements of foreign investments in U.S. businesses and agriculture.
Don’t miss this three-part Time Management Series!