The Office of Statewide Pretrial Services (OSPS) unveiled a new interactive pretrial data dashboard today that provides a summary of several initial decision points for criminal cases filed since the implementation of Public Act 101-652 and Public Act 102-1104, (commonly referred to as the Pretrial Fairness Act) on Sept. 18, 2023.
Illinois Supreme Court
Justice Lisa Holder White of the Supreme Court of Illinois has announced the formation of a judicial screening committee for the Tenth Judicial Circuit – Peoria County.
Justice Lisa Holder White of the Supreme Court of Illinois has begun an application process for a Resident Circuit Judge vacancy in Woodford County in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit.
The Illinois Supreme Court announced today the implementation of standardized rejection protocols for electronically submitted filings (e-filings) in both circuit courts and reviewing courts through an amendment to Supreme Court Rule 9. Rule 9, which is titled Electronic Filing of Documents, is intended to ensure statewide uniformity; the amendment adopting the Rejection Standards will provide filers with guidance on correcting their filings for resubmission.
5 comments (Most recent June 14, 2024) -
June 7, 2024 |
Practice News
Justice Lisa Holder White and the Illinois Supreme Court have announced the assignment of Seventh Circuit Judge Raylene DeWitte Grischow to the Fourth District Appellate Court.
“Judge Raylene DeWitte Grischow will make an outstanding addition to the Appellate Court,” Justice Holder White said. “She is an accomplished, hardworking, community-minded person who maintains the highest ethical standards. I am confident she will thrive at the appellate level.”
Chief Justice Mary Jane Theis and the Illinois Supreme Court announced today it is vacating the COVID-era orders related to the Court-Based Rental Assistance Program.
1 comment (Most recent June 3, 2024) -
Chief Justice Mary Jane Theis and the Illinois Supreme Court announced today amendments to Supreme Court Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC). The rules amended are Rule 8.4(j), which addresses misconduct, and Rule 5.1, which addresses the responsibilities of partners, managers, and supervisory lawyers.
Law school graduates will take a new bar examination starting in 2028 to become licensed to practice law in Illinois, the Illinois Supreme Court and the Board of Admissions to the Bar (Board) announced today. Illinois has not yet finalized whether its first administration will be in February or July of 2028.
The Illinois Supreme Court announced the filing of lawyer disciplinary orders on May 23, 2024. Sanctions were imposed because the lawyers engaged in professional misconduct by violating state ethics law.
In accordance with Supreme Court Rule 3 (Rulemaking Procedures), you are hereby notified that the Illinois Supreme Court Rules Committee will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, 222 N. LaSalle Street, 13th Floor, in Chicago. Clerks of court are requested to post a hard copy of this notice in a conspicuous place.