"New Face of Adoption in Illinois" and "Illinois: An Adoption Friendly State," presented by Illinois Law, will air on Chicago Access Network Television, Channel 21, in Chicago on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. in August and September. Illinois Law is a cable production of the Illinois State Bar Association. "New Face of Adoption in Illinois" will air on Tuesdays, August 14 and 28, and Illinois: An Adoption Friendly State will air on Tuesdays, August 21 and September 4. “Illinois Law” can also be viewed online at http://iln.isba.org/blog/illinois-law-video
Practice News
August 16, 2012 |
ISBA News | Practice News
August 15, 2012 |
Practice News
We’re channeling Jerry Maguire with this plea for help as every member of the Illinois General Assembly—all 177 of them—stand for election this fall.
ISBA members devote considerable time, effort, and expertise in support of our legislative efforts. But we need your help to protect your interests. Although I believe we are respected and effective in Springfield, it’s hard to play touch if everybody else is playing tackle. To make us more competitive, I ask that you consider contributing $50 or more to LAWPAC.
ISBA created ISBA LAWPAC (the Illinois Lawyers’ Political Action Committee) in 1978 to contribute to those candidates running for state senator and state representative who share your interests. LAWPAC is governed by a bipartisan board of trustees appointed by ISBA presidents. To encourage broad participation by our membership, LAWPAC has been funded solely by ISBA members who elect to add a $20 contribution to their annual dues statement. Typically, about 10-15% of our membership contributes $20 this way. If adjusted for inflation since 1978, this $20 would now be about $70.
The amounts we raise by this small amount are dwarfed by the amounts raised by similarly situated associations, such as the realtors, dentists, and CPAs. We have to be competitive in the State House. You may help us do so by contributing by credit card at this link or download this form to send a check to ISBA LAWPAC.* Thank you!
August 15, 2012 |
Practice News
Zombie nouns flourish in legal writing. They smother lively verbs and suck the vitality and clarity right out your prose. Bryan A. Garner believes that they are a bigger problem in legal writing than incorrectly using the passive voice.
2 comments (Most recent August 16, 2012) -
August 15, 2012 |
Practice News
Asked and Answered
By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC
Q. I am the owner of a 12 attorney firm in Dallas. We have 26 people including attorneys and staff. I founded the firm 20 years ago. While we have an Accounting Manager - I am responsible for the management and direction of the firm. While we have done okay over the years - I often feel deficient as a manager and am not always sure that I am covering all of the bases. Is there such thing as management 101 for guys like me?
A. Mention Management 101 and I think of the five functions of management. Each of these roles must be performed by someone in every law firm and business if it is to be successful. In a small firm such as yours you must perform each of these functions and be reasonably good at all of them.
Here are the five functions:
August 14, 2012 |
Practice News
By Honorable Barbara Crowder, Circuit Judge, Madison County
Everyone has heard the phrase, "get them young and train them." One usually thinks of this in terms of Olympic athletes who have been training since childhood, but the Third Circuit decided to try the concept with high-schoolers.
August 14, 2012 |
Practice News
The law school experience tends to program lawyers to think cases and nothing but cases, but more and more it’s statutes and administrative rules where the action is. In Illinois, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) publishes the weekly Flinn Report that is a summary of the rules being proposed by State agencies. It is a PDF usually four to ten pages long.
The Flinn Report allows interested persons or parties an opportunity to give written comments on the proposed rules before they are accepted and published. These rules can significantly affect some of your practices.
It’s not a bad idea to skim the weekly Flinn Report much as you would skim case summaries in ISBA’s E-Clips or in the advance sheets.
Background information on JCAR and the link for the Flinn Report are here.
1 comment (Most recent August 16, 2012) -
August 13, 2012 |
CLE | Practice News
The Fall Semester of Fred Lane's ISBA Trial Technique Institute begins Sept. 4 at the ISBA's Chicago Regional Office. Listen to Fred discuss the class and find out more below the video.
More information is available at www.isba.org/cle/trial
Register online at www.isba.org/cle/trial/registration
August 9, 2012 |
Practice News
Our panel of leading appellate attorneys review Thursday's Illinois Supreme Court opinions in the Civil cases Jane Doe-3 v. McLean County Unit District No. 5 Board of Directors and Santiago v. E.W. Bliss Company.
Jane Doe-3 v. McLean County Unit District No. 5 Board of Directors
By Karen Kies DeGrand, Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth LLC
August 9, 2012 |
Practice News
Chicago attorney Laurel G. Bellows was sworn-in this week as the new president of the American Bar Association. Bellows, a principal of The Bellows Law Group, P.C. in Chicago, represents executives in the United States and internationally.
She has several areas of focus for the coming year. One is to call attention to human trafficking in the United States. She has has been authorized by the ABA Board of Governors to create a Task Force on Human Trafficking in the United States that will develop a range of anti-trafficking projects and coordinate efforts with other groups on the issue. A second priority is to look at cybersecurity and the roles that private business and government have to keep our nation secure from cyber attacks. Bellows also will appoint task forces on gender equity and another on civil trials. She also will continue the call for increased funding of the court system in the U.S.
A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Loyola University School of Law, Bellows has practiced law for more than 30 years. She practices law with her husband, Joel, in Chicago. They have four children and four grandchildren.
August 9, 2012 |
Practice News
ISBA Director of Legislative Affairs Jim Covington reviews bills in Springfield of interest to ISBA members. In this episode he covers the Benefit Corporation Act, Calculation of child support, Juror's fees, Cell phones and driving, False UCC filings and Supervision and speeding. More information on each bill is available below the video.