IBF launches Lincoln Legacy Society
The Illinois Bar Foundation announces the launch of its Lincoln Legacy Society, created exclusively to honor and recognize individuals who have agreed to support the Foundation's vision to be the statewide leader in advancing justice in Illinois by providing for the Foundation in his or her estate plan.
Abraham Lincoln, the state's most famous lawyer, left an indelible mark on the Illinois legal system. So too will Lincoln Legacy Society members leave their mark on the legal system through their legacy gifts to the Illinois Bar Foundation.
Become a Charter Member
Through membership in the Lincoln Legacy Society, the Foundation extends its warm appreciation to individuals who make known their thoughtful estate gift intentions. Your enrollment now permits the Foundation can thank you, not your executor or trustee, for your generosity and thoughtfulness. Your gift may also inspire others if you will allow us to include your name on the Lincoln Legacy Society Membership List. Notify the Foundation today to become a Charter Member.
"When I read about the Lincoln Legacy Society, I immediately felt that this was a perfect program for me. I had saved money for my family, planned and saved money for college education for my child and realized that the important things for me personally were well in hand. So, helping build a legacy for the work of the Illinois Bar Foundation was a logical extension of planning. I know that the Foundation needs an endowment fund large enough to guaranty its perpetual benefits. I know I want to be a part of that legacy. So, I have arranged for a portion of my estate to help build this program."
Carl Draper, Springfield
Lincoln Legacy Society Charter Members
As of December 22, 2009
- Vincent & Zina Cornelius, Naperville
- Carl R. Draper, Springfield
- Gregg A. Garofalo, Chicago
- Mark D. Hassakis, Mt. Vernon
- Tim & Debra Leighton, Bloomington
- James M. Lestikow, Springfield
- Rev. Dr. Mary L. Milano, Chicago
- James Reichardt, Villa Park
- Shari R. Rhode, Murphysboro
- Russell K. Scott, Belleville
- David & Janet Sosin, Orland Park
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