Illinois Bar Foundation and ISBA Mutual Announce New Dividend Donation Program

The Illinois Bar Foundation (IBF) has partnered with the ISBA Mutual Insurance Company to create the ISBA Mutual Giving Circle.

This new and innovative initiative gives the opportunity to all ISBA Mutual policyholders to assist the IBF in furthering its mission of closing the gap in the civil justice system and assisting lawyers in need. The program allows ISBA Mutual policyholders to donate part or all of their dividend to the IBF upon annual renewal of their policy. Members who contribute a portion of their dividend will be enlisted in the ISBA Mutual Giving Circle while members who donate their entire dividend to the IBF will join the exclusive 100% Club. For their generous contributions, all members will receive recognition on the IBF and ISBA Mutual websites and on the ISBA blog Illinois Lawyer Now, in addition to a certificate of recognition. Members of the 100% Club also receive quarterly recognition in the Illinois Bar Journal as well as recognition in the 20 S. Clark Street offices.

ISBA Mutual Insurance Company is an Illinois malpractice insurance company created by lawyers, run by lawyers, for lawyers. Established in 1988 by the leadership of the Illinois State Bar Association, ISBA Mutual ensures Illinois lawyers have equal access to quality and fair malpractice insurance.

The Illinois Bar Foundation raises funds for distribution to Illinois nonprofit organizations whose mission is to provide free legal services to those with limited means and provides assistance to lawyers who can no longer support themselves due to incapacity. The IBF also oversees the Illinois JusticeCorps program, which provides trained part-time student volunteers to serve as guides in courthouses. This year, the IBF will distribute more than $750,000 in funds.

The Illinois Bar Foundation, the charitable arm of the Illinois State Bar Association, is located at 20 S. Clark St., Suite 910, Chicago, IL  60603. Call (312) 726-6072 or visit

Posted on June 5, 2017 by Sara Anderson
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