Articles on Chair’s column

Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, September 2006 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Ex-Officio By David N. Schaffer Family Law, August 2006 This is my final column as Chair of the Family Law Section Council. Actually, by the time this gets out, I will officially be ex-officio and the Council will be under the fine leadership of Scott Colky.
From the Chair By Ryan Henderson Young Lawyers Division, August 2006 When I sat down to write this article about this year’s upcoming YLD events, I thought about a question I have received over the years—What does the YLD do?
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, August 2006 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Message from the Chair By Scott C. Colky Family Law, August 2006 Mothers without custody, disillusioned fathers who need special attorneys to get their rights, litigants unhappy with their outcomes.
Thank You By Chris S. Haaff Young Lawyers Division, August 2006 I am humbled and amazed at the excessive amount of unnecessary gratitude I have received for chairing the ISBA Law Student Committee for more than six years through April 2006.
Chair’s column By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, July 2006 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Chair’s Column By Hon. Barbara Crowder Bench and Bar, July 2006 What an honor it is to be the Chair of the Bench and Bar Section Council during this year of changes in the court system in the State of Illinois.
Chair’s Column: A busy year By James W. Chipman Administrative Law, July 2006 I write as your new Chair of the Administrative Law Section Council. Using our excellent newsletter as a platform, I want to share my agenda with you for the upcoming year.
Chair’s column: Welcome from the Chair By Matt Maloney General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, July 2006 Welcome to the 2006-2007 ISBA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section Council newsletter.
Voice of the prior Chair By Vickie Gillio Administrative Law, July 2006 It has been my distinct pleasure to serve as Chair for this past year of the Administrative Law Section Council.
Welcome note from the 2006-2007 Chair By Mary Nicolau State and Local Taxation, July 2006 I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mary Nicolau and I am the 2006-2007 Chair of the ISBA’s State and Local Taxation Section.
From the Chair By Sheila M. Murphy Human and Civil Rights, June 2006 Thank you for the privilege of serving as Chair this year.
From the Chair By Dennis J. Beninato Young Lawyers Division, June 2006 The Young Lawyers Division Council of the ISBA began the 2005-2006 year with many new faces and sizeable goals.
From the Chair By Lara L. Quivey Federal Civil Practice, June 2006 Having been a member of the Federal Civil Practice Section Council since its inception, I have had the opportunity to watch it grow from a special committee—with the goal of implementing reciprocal admission rules for the Northern, Central, and Southern districts—to a full-fledged section council.
Message from the Chair By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Alternative Dispute Resolution, June 2006 The 2005-2006 year has been moving faster than I had imagined when I moved up to Chair last spring under the presidency of Bob Downs.
Message from the Chair By Thomas F. Arends Federal Taxation, June 2006 As Chair of the Federal Taxation Section Council for past term, I would like to thank all of the members of the Council for their participation in Council activities and assistance in meeting our goals for the year.
A note from the Chair By Rodney C. Slutzky State and Local Taxation, June 2006 It’s hard to believe that my year serving as Chairman of the State and Local Taxation Section Council has passed so quickly.
From the Chair By George G. Leynaud Insurance Law, May 2006 We are pleased on behalf of the Insurance Law Section Council to release the fourth publication of The Policy with yet one additional issue to be published in the near future.
View from the Chair By Timothy J. Howard Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, May 2006 During the past 10 months, your Section has been very active.
Chair’s column By David N. Schaffer Family Law, April 2006 Please again be reminded to send in your suggestions for our “songs for the divorce practitioner” issue.
From the Chair By Dennis J. Beninato Young Lawyers Division, April 2006 Several years ago, a few members of the ISBA’s YLD made a decision.
From the Chair By Sheila M. Murphy Human and Civil Rights, April 2006 I attended the Irish Film Festival at the Beverly Arts Center and saw a classic film that was banned in Ireland in 1958.
Message from the Chair By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Alternative Dispute Resolution, April 2006 I believe this edition of our newsletter has many issues to consider for our respective practices. Each article and case report selected usually becomes food for thought for me.
From the Chair By David Clark Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, March 2006 With all apologies to Aldous Huxley, the brave new world is in the courtroom. More than ever before, technology is being accepted more in the everyday operations of the courtroom.
Letter from the Chair By Meredith E. Ritchie Women and the Law, March 2006 Thanks to all of you who have participated in our committee events thus far this year! Due to an active, dedicated committee, we have surpassed our expectations (certainly my expectations).
Message from the Chair By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Alternative Dispute Resolution, March 2006 As most of you are aware, the Illinois Supreme Court recently raised the dollar amount of Small Claims from $5,000 to $10,000 effective the beginning of 2006 with the resulting effect of having fewer cases subject to mandatory arbitration.
Chair’s column By David N. Schaffer Family Law, February 2006 I am writing this column a little less than a week before I will see the Stones (as in The Rolling Stones for all you post-baby boomers) at the United Center. Either Mick and Keith were way ahead of their time or some things just never change.
From the Chair… Business Advice and Financial Planning, January 2006 For the second time, I am honored and pleased to assume the role of Chairperson of the Business Advice and Financial Planning Section Council.
Message from the Chair: Judge Diane Wood and Judge Robert Vinnekor speak at successful Asylum CLE By Juliet Boyd International and Immigration Law, January 2006 The continuing legal education (CLE) seminar on asylum jurisprudence sponsored by the Section Council on November 11, 2005 proved to be a great success.

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