Articles on Chair’s column

Message from the Chair: Let the debate continue By Robert E. Wells Alternative Dispute Resolution, May 2005 This Section Council looks forward to a healthy dialogue regarding the "best" style of mediation. Hopefully, the "debate" of this topic will expand our understanding of the dynamics of mediation and enhance our abilities and capabilities.
Chairman’s corner: Proposals to help earning power By Timothy E. Duggan General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, April 2005 President Ole Bly Pace asked each Section Council to propose at least one practical idea to help members of that Section improve their earning power.
Chair’s column By Karen M. Pinkert-Lieb Family Law, April 2005 As family law practitioners, we are all painfully aware that litigant dissatisfaction is higher in a divorce than in any other type of case.
From the chair By Ellen Pauling Child Law, April 2005 This year is a great year for the council. The dedication of our members is unmatched.
Chairman’s corner By Kelli E. Madigan Federal Taxation, March 2005 Each year the Section Council makes a trip to Washington, D.C. to promote our legislative agenda to members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation.
Chair’s column: ISBA Web discussion groups as a research tool By Timothy E. Duggan General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, March 2005 ISBA Web discussion groups can be used as research tool, either by merely asking your question on the list-serve, or searching the discussion group archives for prior discussions on a subject.
Chair’s corner By Terry Shafer Hoffman Administrative Law, March 2005 Learn more about member Cindy Ervin.
From the Chair By Phillip B. Lenzini Human and Civil Rights, March 2005 I am happy to introduce you to the third issue of this year's newsletter, newly renamed to "Human Rights" for our Section.
Letter from the chair: Licenses to steal By Sherri Rudy Elder Law, March 2005 Being on an extended vacation in rainy central Florida the past couple of weeks has given me a chance to catch up on some reading.
Message from the Chair: The importance of international law By Mark E. Wojcik International and Immigration Law, March 2005 Classes have begun at The John Marshall Law School, where this semester I am teaching a course in Public International Law and another course in International Criminal Law.
Chairman’s corner: Thoughts on the nobility and honor of our profession By Timothy E. Duggan General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, February 2005 Eight years ago the Honorable Judge Richard Mills, United States District Judge for the Central District of Illinois, spoke at a memorial service for the local attorneys who had passed away in the recent years.
Chair’s corner By Terry Shafer Hoffman Administrative Law, February 2005 This is the third installment of the Chair’s Corner where I introduce all of you to one of our active section council members.
Message from the chair: Let the debate begin By Mike Drone Alternative Dispute Resolution, February 2005 Several changes in the estate and gift tax law go into effect in 2005.
Chairman’s corner By Timothy E. Duggan General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, January 2005 At the Annual Meeting, ISBA President Ole Pace presented a theme of his presidency, as "Making a Life and Living in the Law."
Chair’s column By Karen M. Pinkert-Lieb Family Law, January 2005 As promised in our October newsletter, one of our goals this year is to keep our section members informed of the work of our committees.
Chair’s Column: Restoring belief in International Law By Mark E. Wojcik International and Immigration Law, January 2005 Editor's note, this column by Section Council Chair Professor Mark E. Wojcik appeared in the first issue of The Globe this year and is being re-printed due to the number of responses we received, including the letter following this article.
Chair’s corner By Terry Shafer Hoffman Administrative Law, January 2005 This is the second installment of the Chair’s corner and is again devoted to introducing readers to an active member of the Section Council.
From the Chair: Section activities to support the rule of law in other nations-From Iraq to Belarus By Mark E. Wojcik International and Immigration Law, January 2005 The ISBA Section on International and Immigration Law has increased its involvement in activities that promote the rule of law around the world, and that help to bring a better understanding here of the importance and role of international law.
Letter to the Chair Family Law, January 2005 I recently received and reviewed the October 2004 newsletter of the Family Law Section.
Notes from the chair: My daughter is an expert in elder abuse By Sherri Rudy Elder Law, January 2005 My father's standard reply when asked what type of law I practice is "she's an expert in elder abuse."
Chairman’s corner By Kelli E. Madigan Federal Taxation, December 2004 Greetings from the Chairman. As we begin the 2004-2005 year of the Federal Taxation Section Council, we look forward to serving all of the members of the Federal Taxation Section of the ISBA.
Chair’s corner Administrative Law, December 2004 It is my distinct honor to be the chairperson of the Administrative Law Section Council this year. The most rewarding part of this position is to serve the Illinois State Bar Association in the company of the fine attorneys on this section council.
From the Chair By Ellen Pauling Child Law, December 2004 Our symposium in October on Sex Offenders was a great success. The facilities at Northwestern University School of Law were outstanding and approximately 144 attended.
From the Chair Human and Civil Rights, December 2004 After our first newsletter issue, devoted to the issue which has come to be known as "the Chief Illiniwek matter," we received comments suggesting that the topic was not really related to either "Constitutional Law & Liberty" (the masthead title of our newsletter) or "Individual Rights & Responsibilities" (the formal title of our Section).
Message from the Chair: Raising the immigration bar By Mark E. Wojcik International and Immigration Law, December 2004 The topic of how to assist and improve the immigration bar in Illinois was the subject of a recent meeting of our section council.
Notes from the Chair Workers’ Compensation Law, December 2004 I have the distinct privilege of unveiling the ISBA Workers' Compensation Section Council's annual seminar lineup. T
Chairman’s corner: Sale of practice, cable TV production, seminars and publications By Timothy E. Duggan General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, November 2004 The Supreme Court Rules Committee met in Chicago to consider the ISBA's proposal for sale/ transfer of practice. On September 10, 2004 President Ole Pace presented the ISBA position.
Chair’s note By Jack A. Strellis Federal Civil Practice, November 2004 The frequency of discovery abuses, intentional or otherwise, under the federal rules of civil procedure appear to be on the rise, causing consternation for practitioners and judges alike.
Chair’s column By Karen M. Pinkert-Lieb Family Law, October 2004 (Notice to librarians: The following issues were published in Volume 33 of this newsletter during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004: September, No. 1; December, No. 2; March, No. 3; June, No. 4).
From the Chair By Phillip B. Lenzini Human and Civil Rights, October 2004 Following my immediate predecessor, Richard Hutchison's practice, I wanted to lead off this issue with a column from my perspective as Chairman of the Section Council.

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