Articles on Chair’s column

Chairman’s column By Thomas M. Battista Administrative Law, February 2004 The Illinois State Bar Association has for years integrated new technologies with services to its members.
Chairman’s corner By James S. Zmuda Federal Taxation, February 2004 I have had the privilege of membership in the Federal Taxation Section Council for a number of years.
Chairperson’s corner By Michele M. Jochner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, February 2004 At its January meeting, the ISBA Board of Governors approved the implementation of a mentoring pilot program. As I have discussed in previous issues of this newsletter, ISBA President Terry Lavin's goal in establishing an association-wide mentoring program is to provide a much-needed resource for attorneys with questions regarding substantive law, office economics and management, and professional conduct.
Comments from the chair Federal Civil Practice, February 2004 It is an exciting time for attorneys in the Federal Courts. We are facing our newest challenge. Electronic filing is here for some of us and close for the rest.
From the chair By Richard L. Hutchison Human and Civil Rights, February 2004 A recent survey of ISBA members identified our publications and our CLE offerings as the top reasons members belong to our organization.
Letter from the chair By Celia G. Gamrath Women and the Law, February 2004 Long before today's role models of Chief Justice MaryAnn McMorrow, Justice Rita Garman, Judge Carol Bellows, and Esther Rothstein came along, there were the female founders of the legal profession like Myra Bradwell who broke barriers and fought for the right of women to practice law.
Chair’s column By Adrienne W. Albrecht Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, January 2004 As I sit here at my computer preparing for the holiday, I am struck by how much technology has simultaneously enhanced and complicated our lives.
Chair’s column By Jessica T. DePinto International and Immigration Law, January 2004 As discussed in the September edition of The Globe, our section reaches out to area law schools with presentations focusing on career development tips and practice opportunities in international law.
Chairperson’s corner By Michele M. Jochner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, December 2003 Change. We see it all around us. As we turn our focus to holiday celebrations and the end of another year, we welcome you to the sixth edition of the General Practice, Solo and Small Firm newsletter for the 2003-2004 bar year.
Chair’s column By Laura Kern Family Law, December 2003 If we speak, act and talk with pride of our profession, it follows that our actions with our clients will reflect we, as Family Law practitioners, have earned and deserve the respect of the public and the Bar.
The Chair’s opinion By Richard N. Porter Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, December 2003 House Bill 3064 is currently pending in the Illinois Legislature.
From the Chair By Bruce L. Bonds Workers’ Compensation Law, December 2003 A message from Section Chair Bruce Bonds.
From the Chair By Richard L. Hutchison Human and Civil Rights, December 2003 A message from Section Chair Dick Hutchison.
Letter from the Chair By Kathryn J. Kennedy Employee Benefits, December 2003 As chair of the ISBA Employee Benefits Section Council, I'd like to invite all of our members to attend any one of our quarterly meetings.
Message from the chair By Bruno J. Tassone Alternative Dispute Resolution, December 2003 The Circuit Court of Cook County is considering a court-annexed mediation program for major civil cases effective in the spring of 2004; participation in the process will require an attitude adjustment.
Chairman’s column By Thomas M. Battista Administrative Law, November 2003 For many years this Section has formally supported legislation that would create a new Illinois Department of Administrative Hearings.
Chairperson’s corner By Michele M. Jochner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, November 2003 As fall leaves become winter snowflakes, and as our thoughts turn to the celebration of Thanksgiving, we welcome you to the fifth issue of the General Practice, Solo and Small Firm newsletter for the 2003-2004 bar year.
From the chair By Marc Christopher Loro Government Lawyers, November 2003 I am pleased to report on the activity of the Committee on Government Lawyers since our last newsletter. First and foremost, our ethics seminar, “Ethical Considerations in Public Sector Law,” was presented in Springfield on 12 September 2003.
Letter from the chair By Celia G. Gamrath Women and the Law, November 2003 One of the greatest things about being the Chair of Women and the Law is getting to work with so many dedicated, dynamic, and intelligent women, including E. Lynn Grayson and Claire Manning, editors of the Catalyst. Because of them you are already reading the second newsletter of this bar year—quite an impressive feat.
Notes from the Chair: Writers wanted By Jeffrey D. Richardson Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, November 2003 The Commercial Banking & Bankruptcy Section Council begins this fiscal year with the same challenges that have faced past Section Councils, and a new one.
Chairperson’s corner By Michele M. Jochner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, October 2003 In lieu of a "traditional" Chair's column this month, I have drafted the following article outlining the major changes to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 721 and new Illinois Supreme Court Rule 722, both of which became effective on July 1, 2003.
Message from the chair By Bruno J. Tassone Alternative Dispute Resolution, October 2003 As Chairperson, I feel challenged and excited with the many tasks before our ADR Section Council this year.
Chairperson’s corner By Michele M. Jochner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, September 2003 September heralds the beginning of yet another school year. This year, students at Illinois law schools will have something different on the program during their orientation sessions: a visit from a justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, who will speak to them about civility and ethics, and administer an "Oath of Professionalism" to these future lawyers.
Chair’s column By Jessica T. DePinto International and Immigration Law, September 2003 This year President Lavin has asked the section councils to focus on mentoring their members and prospective members, providing quality educational programs and encouraging new members to join and participate in their sections.
Chair’s column By Laura Urbik-Kern Family Law, September 2003 The Family Law Section Council is to be representative of the body of family lawyers as a whole; and to develop and enable our practices to best serve the public, while providing a decent living for each of us.
From the chair By Richard L. Hutchison Human and Civil Rights, September 2003 James Stern did a nice job during the past year as the chair of the Human Rights Committee.
From the Chair By Barb Delanois Child Law, September 2003 Welcome to the new year of the Child Law Section Council. Serving the needs of the practitioners in Illinois Juvenile Courts in this capacity as chair of Juvenile Justice is a cherished honor.
From the chair By James K. Weston, Sr. Mineral Law, September 2003 First, Chris Weber, Section Chair and previous Editor of this newsletter for several years, is to be commended for the terrific accomplishments during his watch.
Letter from the chair By Celia G. Gamrath Women and the Law, September 2003 As chair of the ISBA Women and the Law Standing Committee, I'd like to welcome you to the 2003-04 bar year. Looking back in time, the committee has had some very talented and enthusiastic leaders, including ISBA Third Vice-President Irene Bahr, Angela Imbierowicz, Kate Kelly, and last year's chair Gilda Hudson-Winfield.
Message from the Chair By John F. Erbes Elder Law, September 2003 Another bar year is underway and I am very honored to be the Chair of the Elder Law Section for 2003-2004.

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