Articles on Chair’s column

Notes from the Chair: Writers wanted By Jeffrey D. Richardson Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, September 2003 The Commercial Banking & Bankruptcy Section Council begins this fiscal year with the same challenges that have faced past Section Councils, and a new one.
Chairperson’s corner By Michele M. Jochner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, August 2003 Welcome to the second General Practice newsletter of the 2003-2004 bar year. As you will discover, it is filled with timely articles on substantive and practice-oriented issues.
Chair’s column By Judge Lloyd A. Karmeier Bench and Bar, August 2003 This is my first column as chair of the Bench & Bar Section Council.
From the chair By Richard L. Turner Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, August 2003 The subcommittee considering issues pertaining to updating courtroom technology is arranging a visit to the Federal District Court for the Northern Dist., Eastern Division, through the assistance and contacts provided committee member David Clark.
From the chair By Marc Christopher Loro Government Lawyers, August 2003 Welcome to the first installment of the fifth volume of the newsletter of the Standing Committee on Government Lawyers (CGL) edited again this year by Kate Kelly and Lynn Patton.
Chairman’s column By Thomas M. Battista Administrative Law, July 2003 I write as the new Chairman of the Administrative Law Section Council.
Chairperson’s corner By Michele M. Jochner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, July 2003 Welcome to the 2003-2004 year of the General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section!
The Chair’s column—Big shoes to fill By John K. Norris State and Local Taxation, July 2003 "Big shoes to fill." That is the situation I find myself in as the incoming chair of the State and Local Tax Section Council.
Letter from the chair By Kathryn J. Kennedy Employee Benefits, July 2003 As chair of the ISBA Employee Benefits Section Council's mentoring program, I'd like to update you on the success of the program's third year.
Chairman’s corner By Edward J. Hannon Federal Taxation, June 2003 Members of the Federal Tax Section Council recently had the opportunity to meet with Congressman Rahm Emanuel and members of the legislative staff for Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Congressman John Shimkus and Congressman Jerry Weller to discuss pending tax legislation and proposed tax simplification measures
Chair’s Column By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Bench and Bar, June 2003 This column marks my last as chair of the section council. It has been my honor and pleasure to have served as chair
Chair’s column State and Local Taxation, June 2003 It was with a great sense of pride that I served these last 12 months as Chair of the State and Local Taxation Section Council.
From the incoming chair By Richard L. Hutchison Human and Civil Rights, June 2003 It has been a pleasant and mind-expanding experience to be a member of the Human Rights Committee.
From the outgoing chair By James Stern Human and Civil Rights, June 2003 The primary formation of this section council has been to put out this newsletter, put on educational programs, and review proposed legislation affecting Human Rights.
Message from the Chair By Frank V. Ariano Family Law, June 2003 As I write my last "message" as Chair of the Family Law Section Council, I am amazed at how quickly this year has past.
Chair’s Column By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Bench and Bar, May 2003 Section council members have been busy reviewing numerous bills winding their way through the General Assembly, particularly those that affect the courts and the administration of justice.
From the chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, May 2003 For my last column, I would like to provide you with advance notice of an upcoming continuing legal education (CLE) event, as well as to thank some hard-working members of the Committee on Government Lawyers.
Message from the Chair By Michael P. McCuskey Federal Civil Practice, May 2003 This issue is devoted to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Harlington Wood, Jr. Judge Wood is not only a giant in stature, whose career of public service spans seven decades, but also a giant in the Illinois judiciary.
From the chair By Betsy Clarke Child Law, April 2003 The Child Law Section Council is in the middle of a very busy year.
From the Chair By Franco A. Chair Young Lawyers Division, April 2003 Busy, busy, busy. The members of the ISBA Young Lawyers Division Council marked 2002-2003 as a year to set the future vision and course of the council's activities and programs.
Message from the chair By Frank V. Ariano Family Law, April 2003 Since our last newsletter, the Family Law Section Council has not only had meetings of all of its committees (many more than once), reviewed and taken a position on well over 50 bills affecting family law (with many more coming daily), had its commentary on new concepts in custody proceedings approved by the ISBA Board of Governors for submission to the Supreme Court Special Committee on Child Custody, but also conducted an excellent seminar in Las Vegas!
Chair’s column By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Bench and Bar, March 2003 I take this opportunity to applaud the primary editor of our newsletter, Al Swanson, for a terrific job in putting out issues on a regular basis that bring the news, important case summaries, and other items of interest.
From the Chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, February 2003 On December 11, 2002, the ISBA's Standing Committee on Government Lawyers (CGL) hosted a reception for government lawyers titled, "Pride in Our Profession: The ISBA Salutes Government Attorneys" in conjunction with the ISBA's Mid-Year Meeting in Chicago.
From the chair By Richard L. Turner Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, February 2003 Digital dictation technology has, indeed, advanced significantly within the last five years. I am, in fact, dictating my column today on a digital portable dictation device: Sony's ICD-MS1 digital recorder, to be exact
Message from the chair By Frank V. Ariano Family Law, February 2003 Happy New Year everyone! With the holidays behind us, the busiest time of the Council's year is now in full swing.
Notes from the Chair By John J. Horeled Business Advice and Financial Planning, February 2003 In my four years on the section council, little time has been spent on the second part of our name, which is "financial planning."
Chairman’s corner By Edward J. Hannon Federal Taxation, January 2003 On January 7, 2003, President Bush announced plans for a tax stimulus package that included a provision that would exempt dividends from federal income tax.
Chair’s column By James W. Chipman State and Local Taxation, January 2003 Happy New Year and welcome to the seventh edition of Tax Trends! Time passes quickly.
Chair’s column By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Bench and Bar, January 2003 We can all be proud of the activities of our own Bench & Bar Section Council in the past few months. In addition to putting on the December 12th CLE program, we co-sponsored a week-long teaching program November 11-15th on mediation skills for judicial officers
Message from the chair By Michael P. McCluskey Federal Civil Practice, January 2003 Welcome to the second newsletter of the Federal Civil Practice Section Council. I have received many favorable comments about our inaugural newsletter.

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