Articles on Chair’s column

Message from the chair By Lee Ann Conti Energy, Utilities, Telecommunications, and Transportation, January 2003 Please take a few minutes from your hectic schedules to give yourself and your fellow Section members a small gift--your input and opinions on how this Section can better meet your needs.
Chair’s column By Lewis F. Matuszewich Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, December 2002 The Commercial Banking & Bankruptcy Section Council develops programs for the members of the Section.
From the chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, December 2002 Earlier this year, the ISBA's Standing Committee on Government Lawyers (CGL) invited government attorneys to respond to a brief survey concerning bar association membership issues.
From the chair By Richard L. Turner Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, December 2002 A treat in my daily spam... Among the things that I look for in my daily dose of spam and usually inconsequential e-mail messages and listserv surplusage is the E-mail Case Digest that Adrienne Albrecht, Vice-Chair of COLT, faithfully puts together at least a couple of times a week, I believe.
Message from the chair By Frank V. Ariano Family Law, December 2002 In the last newsletter I gave you some idea of the makeup of the Council and what we will be working on this year.
Chairman’s corner By Edward J. Hannon Federal Taxation, November 2002 For members of the Federal Taxation Section who have not visited the section's Web site (or perhaps more realistically, did not know it existed), the number that appears above your name on your mailing label is your password.
Chair’s column By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Bench and Bar, November 2002 In the last issue of the newsletter, I spoke about mentoring. I left an open question.
Message from the chair By Frank V. Ariano Family Law, November 2002 As incoming chairperson of the Family Law Section Council for 2002-2003, I welcome all new section members along with those of you returning for another year.
Message from the chair By Michael P. McCuskey Federal Civil Practice, November 2002 Welcome to the newest section council of the Illinois State Bar Association and thanks for taking the time to read our inaugural newsletter.
Notes from the chair By James K. Weston Mineral Law, November 2002 Welcome to the first edition of Mineral Law, the newsletter of the ISBA Mineral Law Section, for the 2002-2003 year. We will make every effort to continue the sterling efforts of prior administrations.
Chair’s column By Angela Peters International and Immigration Law, September 2002 I would like to share with you a very interesting article that came into my files during my year as chair.
Chair’s column By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Bench and Bar, September 2002 In my last column I promised that I would focus my attention on a lawyer's important role as a mentor.
Chair’s column State and Local Taxation, September 2002 "Demography is destiny," says Harold Hodgkinson, the director of the Center for Demographic Policy at the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington since 1987.
From the chair By James Stern Human and Civil Rights, September 2002 The subjects which the Human Rights Section deal with are matters right from the day's headlines: homeland security, racial profiling, detention without arrest, military tribunals, material witness arrest warrants, ethnic mascots and team names, affirmative actions, achool vouchers, hate crimes, speech codes, death penalty, international courts, the handicapped, family issues, privacy, access to public records, and diversity.
Chair’s column By Jim Dunneback General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, August 2002 One of the more difficult jobs of becoming the chair of an ISBA section is getting your chairman's article in to your editors in a timely fashion so you don't delay the publication of the newsletter.
From the chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, August 2002 It is with much honor and enthusiasm that I provide the Chair's Column for the first edition of the 2002-2003 Committee on Government Lawyers (CGL) newsletter.
Chair’s column By Hon. Michael S. Jordan Bench and Bar, July 2002 It is with a great sense of pride that I assume the role as Chair of the Bench-Bar Section Council.
Chair’s Column By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum Administrative Law, July 2002 This is my last chair's column. It has been an honor and a pleasure for me to serve the interests of administrative law in Illinois the past eleven months.
Chairman’s corner Federal Taxation, June 2002 Members of the Federal Tax Section Council traveled to Washington, D.C. on May 9th to meet with legislative aides to Senators Durbin and Fitzgerald and Representatives Hastert, Crane and Weller.
Chair’s column General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, June 2002 This has been an eventful year for the ISBA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section. Much of the credit for what the section has worked on and accomplished this year is due to ISBA President, Tim Eaton.
Chair’s column By Angela Peters International and Immigration Law, June 2002 On April 25, 2002, the INS split into two divisions--one for enforcing U.S. laws against those who are illegally within our borders, and one for aliens who need protection under our laws.
Notes from the Chair Recap as the baton is passed By William L. Cleaver Elder Law, June 2002 In a recent article in the ABA Journal by Margaret Graham Tebo, Ms. Tebo states that the days of representing older clients by simply addressing estate-planning issues are past.
From the Chair By Pamela Perrone Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, May 2002 In the last year, COLT has continued its mission with a focus on advising ISBA members on the implementation of technology in their law practices.
From the chair By Kathryn Bischoff Child Law, May 2002 Congratulations to our newsletter editor and co-editors: We are well on our way to publishing five editions this year! Stay tuned.
Notes from the chair By William L. Cleaver Elder Law, May 2002 One of the responsibilities of a section council is to receive, review, and comment on pending legislation.
Letter from the chair: LGL cooks! By Pat Lord Local Government Law, March 2002 On February 8, our section council had a most unusual meeting. In spite of everything that follows, real business was actually transacted at this meeting, but in a very novel setting.
View from the chair By Gary T. Rafool Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, March 2002 At the mid-year meeting of our section council, it was decided to have a meeting on February 21 at 7:30 a.m. in Springfield with Representative Jeffrey Schoenberg at the Renaissance Hotel.
The chairman’s column By Alan J. Toback Family Law, February 2002 Many of us lose sight of the fact that other jurisdictions are constantly rendering appellate court and supreme court decisions.
Chair column By Angela Peters International and Immigration Law, January 2002 The ISBA International and Immigration Law Section Council has not had many significant legislative issues or proposals presented to it for consideration this year.
Chairman’s corner Federal Taxation, January 2002 One of the goals of the section council over the past two years has been to establish and maintain a dialog with members of the Illinois Congressional delegation.

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