Articles on Chair’s column

View from the chair By James M. Lestikow Business Advice and Financial Planning, June 2000 This will be my final column as chair of the section council. I had several goals in mind at the outset of my term.
Voice of the chair By Vickie Gillio Education Law, June 2000 As I pass the baton of leadership to Philip Milsk who has been appointed chair for this next year, I thought I'd take a few moments to reflect on the issues raised in my initial Voice of the Chair.
Chairman’s column By Michael S. Cohen Family Law, May 2000 It has come to my attention that many attorneys and judges practicing in the area of matrimonial law are not members of the ISBA Family Law Section Council.
Notes from the chair By Constance B. Renzi Elder Law, May 2000 As we enter the homestretch of the ISBA year, I am reminded of the roots of the Elder Law Section--the practice of elder law.
Chairperson’s column Business and Securities Law, April 2000 I am both honored and privileged to serve as Chair to the Corporation, Securities and Business Law Section Council.
The chair’s corner By Richard D. Hannigan Workers’ Compensation Law, April 2000 Our Web site is up and running. Special thanks to Phillip Lenzini.
From the chair By Arthur J. Inman Human and Civil Rights, April 2000 This issue features more by editor Pat Hughes on the efforts to reform death penalty litigation.
Introduction from the chair By Lynn Patton Government Lawyers, April 2000 Welcome to the premiere issue of the Standing Committee on Government Lawyers newsletter.
Chairman’s column By Michael S. Cohen Family Law, March 2000 As a member of the Family Law Section you regularly receive this newsletter.
Chair’s Column By Thomas D. Cavenagh Alternative Dispute Resolution, March 2000 Your section council has continued to work diligently with respect to legislation related to mediation
Notes from the chair By Constance B. Renzi Elder Law, March 2000 As I write these notes, I can hardly believe that the business year is more than half over.
Voice of the chair Education Law, March 2000 In my pre-millennium voice of the chair, I addressed the very real societal and legal issues affecting our educational institutions, teachers, students, and society.
Chair’s Column Alternative Dispute Resolution, February 2000 The section council has been busy thus far this year. As readers are already aware, the section has reviewed and contributed to the proposed Illinois Mediator Certification Act (published in a previous edition of this newsletter) which would provide significantly enhanced practice status to Illinois mediators
From the chair Human and Civil Rights, February 2000 Welcome to the February, 2000, issue of the Human Rights newsletter. Pat Hughes, our editor, does double duty in this issue with an article of his own on recent significant developments in criminal procedure in Illinois, especially including provisions for prosecution and defense of capital cases.
From the chair— multidisciplinary practice update By Paul Bernstein Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, February 2000 Under the dynamic leadership of, among others, Cheryl I. Niro, Illinois State Bar Association President, and Attorney Terrence J. Lavin, co-chair of the ISBA Task Force on Multidisciplinary Practice, the ABA's race towards seeing the huge accounting firms able to own law firms has been slowed down, and properly so.
View from the chair By James M. Lestikow Business Advice and Financial Planning, February 2000 As you will note from the minutes of the December section council meeting and the fact pattern published in this issue, the council is hard at work on Collegium 2000.
Chairmanship for dummies By Jerry Gorman Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, November 1999 For the first time in its existence, the Committee on Legal Technology (CoLT) has a technological neophyte (aka dummy) as its chairman.
Chair’s Column By Thomas D. Cavenagh Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 1999 It is an honor and a privilege to serve this year as the chair of the distinguished group of professionals serving as section council members and for the members of the Section at large.
The chair’s corner By Richard D. Hannigan Workers’ Compensation Law, November 1999 We're about to enter a new century and some of us, me included, are still in the early 90's, doubting that computers and this Internet stuff will affect our practice.
From the chair: the wisdom of Bill Gates By Paul Bernstein Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, November 1999 Another message from the chair? Well, what confidence might the senior partner in your law firm, or you (if you are a solo practitioner) have in my introductory remarks to this newsletter? A bit, perhaps.
Message from the chair By George E. Marifian Federal Taxation, November 1999 In the last issue, we commented on the flurry of tax proposals being debated in Congress before the Labor Day Recess.
Notes from the chair By Constance B. Renzi Elder Law, November 1999 As of this date, the Elder Law Section Council has had two productive meetings this year.
View from the chair By James M. Lestikow Business Advice and Financial Planning, November 1999 Just a short note for this issue to let you know that your section council is alive and well.
A view from the chair: By Vickie Gillio Education Law, November 1999 When I first joined the ISBA, this council was called the School Law Section. It was often referenced as one of the more arcane areas of law, as contrasted to areas such as Family Law or Tort Law.
Chairman’s column By Michael S. Cohen Family Law, October 1999 I would like to take this opportunity to thank Richard Zuckerman, not only for his exemplary job as chairman, but for the many years he has labored as a member of the section council.
Chairperson’s corner General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, October 1999 Well, the summer is over and it's "back to work."
From the chair By Arthur J. Inman Human and Civil Rights, October 1999 This issue brings council member Doug Darch's summary of a recent 7th Circuit case which could have important implications in the gun control controversy.
Message from the chair By George E. Marifian Federal Taxation, September 1999 Greetings and welcome to the new fiscal year for our section. I am pleased to report that we began the year with an excellent council meeting at Lake Geneva in June.
View from the chair By James M. Lestikow Business Advice and Financial Planning, September 1999 There are big shoes to fill, figuratively speaking, at the head of this section council. Stuart Wolf has done an excellent job of keeping us focused on the things that our members have come to expect most, a great newsletter (edited by Malcolm L. Morris again this year) and a thought provoking collegium in both Chicago and Springfield.
Chairperson’s corner By Gilda Hudson-Winfield General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, August 1999 I am both humbled and proud to serve as chair of the General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section Council of the Illinois State Bar during its 123rd year

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